Friday 20 April 2012

Busy as a bee...

Well, yes, I am the worlds worst blogger, ok. But I have been busy so I think I'll just bombard you with lots of lovely photos of what I've been making this last year.....are you ready?

Remember these, well look what they became.....

 ...a yummy scrummy blanket. This yarn is so soft and so warm. It still needs a few ends sewing in and a border. I have ran out of this yarn but I am thinking of putting a plain border on it, to kind of bring it all together. Not sure yet, maybe purple. I love shaded yarns and this ball of King Cole Riot was sitting in my stash box, and I just didn't know what to make with it it is much finer yarn than I am used to. I tried a granny square but even though the yarn has bright colours, the greys made it dull, so digging deeper into my stash I found my gorgeous mustard King Cole Big Value 4ply (which I simply bought because of the colour, not realising it was 4 ply), I pulled out a 3mm hook and this is what happened...

I just love the effect of using the shaded yarn next to the bright golden mustard. This is going to become a cushion cover, I need to find a suitable backing for it yet though.

I haven't quite finished, and have soooo many photos, and things to show you. I can't stop crocheting, has it become apparent yet? I am currently involved in a Granny square swap, which I will make a special post about. When I first started making squares for the swap, I used my acrylic yarns of which I have a huge amount, it builds up quick doesn't it.But I was worried my colours weren't right, so I bought new yarn for the swap and started again. The squares I had already made are these....

I wasn't going to use the black, in fact I wasn't sure what I was going to do with them, then my friend called round for a brew, he sat admiring this little pile of granny squares and said the colours reminded him of Mexico. Instantly I thought abut Mexican folk art and the beautiful painted colours, what better colour to show off! Yes, it works!!! And these squares are now on their way to becoming a bedspread, and I am picturing our future bedroom already, it's heaven. I'm so excited about this bedspread, it will take some time, but it will be worth it. I'll keep you updated on its progress.

Well its late now, and I'm rather sleepy, I have much more to show, my gorgeous granny blanket I am making for my little man, and I'll tell you all the Square Swap and my  new found love for Stylecraft Special DK.

Much love, toodle-pip. xxx